Six Fun Ways to Exercise Your Brain

Written By: Taylor Rao

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Most of us are aware of the many benefits of exercising your body, and all the different ways you can keep yourself physically fit. But are you aware of the importance of exercising your brain? It makes sense when you think about how as we age, we need to challenge our brain in order to maintain a strong memory, regulate our emotions, and continue to improve our mental well-being.

And while physical exercise is a way to keep your brain healthy, there are other fun ways you can exercise your brain to stay on your A-game. Here are six suggestions to get you started

Do a Puzzle

Puzzles represent so much more than a way to pass time during the pandemic –they are a way you can boost your cognitive abilities while teaching you to overcome a challenge you don’t often see in everyday life.

A 1,000-piece puzzle can feel overwhelming at first, but it’s up to you to chip away at it piece by piece (no pun intended) and continue to study each of the elements, and use trial and error to figure out where they fit into the overall picture. This doesn’t need to be done in a day but can be completed over time on your own, or in a social setting where you can spend time with loved ones and accomplish it together.

Switch up your daily drives

Many of us are creatures of habit or convenience, which can result in taking the same routes while driving to all of our routine places. But if you’re up for it, one way you can exercise your brain is to find new roads to take and learn how to get to the same place in a different way.

While doing this, you can learn new street names, travel different paths, and explore some roads in your town or city you haven’t seen in some time or maybe ever before. This helps your brain learn and memorize new directions and will keep you sharp while traveling in your car.

You have a GPS to rely on from the start if you choose “alternate routes” rather than selecting the automatic first option it decides for you, or if you want to wing it, you can resort to the GPS later on in your journey as needed.

Use your non-dominant hand

Have you ever brushed your teeth or sipped your coffee with the opposite hand? Probably not, but you might want to start if you are looking for a simple way to challenge your brain on a daily basis. Some studies show that you activate both hemispheres of your brain (rather than just one) while using your non-dominant hand, and for obvious reasons, you can feel the learning curve when you start to complete ordinary tasks in this unfamiliar way.

Not only does it activate your brain, but it can help improve your stability using your non-dominant hand when doing tasks like opening a jar in the kitchen, pouring water into a glass or washing your body in the shower.

Learn a new skill

There’s a reason people encourage others to never stop learning, because learning new things throughout the course of your life can keep your brain on its metaphorical toes, and also bring you newfound joy and happiness as you find new hobbies and master different crafts outside of the traditional classroom setting.

The skill itself doesn’t really matter, it’s the act of putting yourself out there, growing in a state of discomfort, and teaching your brain to do something it hasn’t done before or that you never thought you could do. If you’re eager to travel in life, download a language app and learn a new language with short, effective daily exercises. If you’ve always wanted to explore your creative side, learn to knit or take up art in the form of something hands-on like painting or pottery.

Be social

One way you can keep your brain active in a fun way is to socialize. While this might be something you already do on a daily or weekly basis, having great conversations can boost your mood and keep you sharp when you engage with people in a social setting.

This is a great option if you’re a busy mom stuck in the routine of hanging out with only your family, or someone who only socializes while working at your day job. It might feel difficult to find the motivation, but if you can get that push to text an old friend for a cup of coffee or a cocktail at one of your favorite local spots, it’s bound to be energizing and fun for a change.

Get better sleep

OK, maybe all of these new activities sound exhausting to you and you’re looking for a more passive way to keep your brain healthy. Experts say getting a good night’s rest is critical to promoting overall brain health and wellness, so this could be a great place to start before you hop into a brand-new hobby.

To get better sleep, do things that will help prepare you for a full night’s rest, such as unplugging from technology an hour before bed, investing in a high-quality mattress or pillows, or doing meditative exercises as a way to unwind before you shut the lights off for the night.

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WellnessTaylor Raotrao, fun