5 Things That Are Worth Spending Money On This Year

5 Things That Are Worth Spending Money On This Year

By: Shannon Sweeney

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There are plenty of ways to enhance your quality of life. We often talk about things like like developing better eating habits, exercising more, or crushing a new goal. But in this case, we’d like to suggest something we think everyone can get behind - shopping.

Now, I’m not sitting here telling you to spend your money. I’m all about creating a budget and sticking to it. But some things in life are truly worth the investment. Below, are some things that are truly worth spending money on that can genuinely help you become happier and healthier.

See something you like? You don’t have to open your checkbook right away to buy it — not many people have hundreds or thousands of dollars just sitting around waiting to be spent. Instead, these are items worth saving up for and building into long-term budgeting plans, and life goals.

Here are 5 my top 5 things that are worth spending money on this year: 

A Quality Mattress And Bed Frame

We spend a third of our lives sleeping. And guess what? What you sleep on can extremely impact your mental and physical health. If you’re experiencing back pain or trouble sleeping, your mattress might be to blame. Old, worn-out mattresses can cause body pains and more, and there’s no doubt that lack of sleep will negatively affect your health. 

If you’ve had a mattress for more than 7 years, it’s time to start looking at a new one — and if you’ve received a secondhand mattress from a family member, it’s really time to look for a new one. Investing in a good, high-quality mattress is investing in yourself. You’ll be the best you can be after a great night of sleep. 

No matter how you sleep, there’s a mattress for you. Mattress technology is pretty nuts — so whether you’re a side sleeper, a warm sleeper, or a snorer, there’s a mattress out there that’s right for you. Not sure what you’ll like? Online mattress companies like Saatva and Nectar let you try it out at home for up to a year, so you have plenty of time to decide.


Seriously, I can’t stress this one enough. I don’t care if you claim to be the happiest, most stress-free person on the — you can benefit from investing in therapy and self-care. And if you’re someone with anxiety or depression, it is so much more than OK to ask for help.

Some people don’t seek therapy because of the cost associated with it. But many others refrain from visiting a professional due to a fear of being stigmatized or judged. Some people just can’t seem to find the time. But, I’ll say it again, everyone can benefit from talking to someone who is trained to listen and time, money and fear should not be the reasons you skip a process that can genuinely help change your life.

Going to therapy can provide you with emotional relief you might not even know you need. It can help with work stress, relationship stress, and self-discovery. Just talking to someone will positively affect your mental health. You can set goals for therapy that will carry through the whole year, like: 

  • Improving relationships in your life, both professional and personal 

  • Lifestyle and habit changes

  • Changing your self-talk patterns and future outlook

Or you can work with a therapist to work on longer-term goals like finding purpose in life, healing painful life experiences, and more. There is no threshold for seeing a therapist — anyone can go. 

If you’re still not sold on therapy, but want to improve your self-care, consider doing things like: 

  • Getting a massage or facial on a monthly basis 

  • Investing in acupuncture or other forms of alternative medicine

  • Making sure you’re scheduling regular doctor’s appointments (this is self-care, too!) 

  • Scheduling regular dentist appointments (also self-care!) 

  • Sleeping more! (see our love letter to sleep above)

Self-care comes in so many forms — what do you need to focus on yourself? Whatever it is, it’s worth the price tag.

Take A Trip 

Sometimes we really just need a break from our daily routine to reconnect with ourselves. Think about the one trip you’ve always wanted to do. Now, start planning it. Traveling gives you a chance to immerse yourself in another culture and to create memories with loved ones, so what are you waiting for? 

Thanks to countless travel apps and websites, traveling has never been easier — and there are so many ways to make a big trip fit into your budget. Stop following travel accounts on Instagram and living vicariously through other people — pick a place and make it a reality. 

High-Quality Kitchen Tools 

No matter where you live, the kitchen is the heart of your home — and chances are, it’s your most utilized area. So why not make it the best you can be? 

A common resolution for the New Year is to eat out less/spend less money at restaurants/eat healthier. One way to do that? To make cooking at home pleasurable. 

Investing in high-quality kitchen tools will inspire you when it comes to cooking and eating clean. So long are the days of grabbing takeout on the way home and stuffing it in your face in the car. If you have the right tools, the possibilities are endless. Consider investing in items like: 

  • An instant pot 

  • A food processor 

  • Kitchenaid Stand Mixer

  • Vitamix blender

  • A high-quality knife set

  • Le Creuset Dutch Oven

  • A high-quality set of pans 

  • An espresso machine 

  • Sous Vide machine 

  • Electric spiralizer

Each of these items will help you expand what you’re able to do in your kitchen — instead of just throwing things into an old pan your mom gave you, you can actually enjoy creating the meals that you’re putting into your body. Plus, these items can travel with you no matter where you end up living. 

Skin and Beauty Products

skin and beauty products

Investing in your skin and other beauty products can go a long way. It’s easy to go to a pharmacy and pick up the cheapest face wash and lotion there possible, but is it really the best product for your skin? 

There are beauty products to address just about every issue you might have with your skin or your look. If you’re trying to target a specific issue (blackheads, oily skin, wrinkles, etc.), it’s worth going to places like Ulta and Sephora. You can also take it a step further and see a dermatologist — and talking to a professional about what skin issues you’re trying to target. The same goes for your hair — there are dozens of hair types out there, and depending on the issue you’re trying to address, finding the right product is key.

No matter what result you’re after, make sure to do your research on products and to look at the formulas. When you do research, you can avoid products stuffed with chemicals and instead replace them with organic, natural products — these will definitely have a higher price tag, but it’s so worth it. Also consider investing in facials and other healthy skin treatments to give your skin the best care possible. 

There are always bills to pay and unexpected expenses to content with in life. That makes it easy to push some of these bigger ticket purchases to the back burner while you take care of immediate priorities. But when you think about long term rewards and benefits a lot of these items have the potential to make a long term impact on your well-being. Take the time to think about what you need, and what can really make your life better and invest in those “splurges” that in the long run can make a big difference in your daily routines.

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