Make Your Meditation More Zen With These 7 Amazon Products

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Meditation is a personal practice, and everyone has their own way of doing it. Even if you already use guided meditations, there are more ways to enhance your environment. These Amazon products can enrich your meditation practice by making it a more comfortable and enlightening experience. 

Inflatable Meditation Cushion

Get more comfortable while you practice mindfulness with this ergonomically designed inflatable meditation pillow. It helps you maintain the correct posture while relieving joint pain. Because it’s inflatable you can adjust it to your optimal height. And when you’re done, simply deflate and store. It’s also easy to take anywhere so you can be equally comfortable at home or meditating in nature. 

From anxiety relief to relaxation and self-love, these little cards can have a big impact on how you meditate. Beginners can easily follow the deck in order while pros can explore on their own. With a wide range of different topics, you can focus on whatever you need right now or choose at random to keep your daily medications diverse and interesting. They’re super cute and small enough to take on-the-go so wherever you can find time for mindfulness, you’ll have a meaningful prompt in your pocket. 

Mindsight 'Breathing Buddha' Guided Visual Meditation Tool

Focus your mind during the day or get ready for a more peaceful night's sleep, with daily guided breathing. This little Buddha uses colored lights to help you focus on your breathing with fade-in, fade-out color prompts. Green Buddha - Inhale , Purple Buddha – Hold, Blue Buddha – Exhale. He’s small enough to fit perfectly on your desk or nightstand so you can take a few minutes for mindful breathing anytime. 

Meditation White Noise Sound Machine with 30 Soothing Sounds

Elevate your meditation sessions with an immersive sound experience. Ambient music can help create a relaxing and peaceful atmosphere, so you can find your meditative state more easily and stay focused during your practice. This device offers brown, pink, and white noise, fan sounds, rain sounds, sea wave sounds, and more. The 12 soft colors also help set a peaceful atmosphere. The combo of light and sound can help you set a meditative mood, block out distractions and cultivate a calming environment for mindful meditation. 

Small Wooden Chartres Style Finger Labyrinth

Labyrinths have been used for centuries as tools for meditation, prayer, relaxation, and self-reflection. But labyrinths aren’t exactly easy to find in most places. Enter finger labyrinths, a portable way to get the benefits of a labyrinth, without all the hedges. With finger labyrinths, as you trace the pattern with your finger, the repetitive and contemplative nature of tracing the labyrinth can help quiet the mind, reduce stress, and promote a sense of calm and focus. 

Essential Oil Diffuser

Essential oils can enhance the meditation experience by promoting relaxation, focus, and a sense of calm. This aroma diffuser has an led light with 15 colors to choose from and four timer settings. It also comes with 10 essential plant oils including lavender, rose, peppermint, eucalyptus, lemongrass, and jasmine. The variety of choices means you can experiment with different scents to find the ones that resonate best with you to enhance your meditation practice.

Tibetan Singing Bowls Set

Add an ancient element to your meditation practice with Tibetan singing bowls. These instruments have a long and rich history that dates back over centuries. Experience the benefits of singing bowls during meditation by gently striking the bowl to create a continuous ringing sound. Then, focus on the vibrations as you breathe deeply. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced meditator, singing bowls can be a meaningful addition to your meditation routine, even without a trip to the Himalayas. 

Try one or a combination of these items to take your regular meditation to the next level. Whether you need a way to find your calm at work or to make your room a better environment for focus or just to deepen your practice, one of these little wonders may just do the trick.

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Jen Vselfcare