Veggies for Breakfast? How to Eat More Vegetables in the Morning

We’ve all heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day but most days veggies get left out. It's easy to reach for traditional breakfast staples like cereal or toast, but adding more vegetables to your morning meal can provide a nutrient-rich start to your day. In fact, according to Time Magazine “Researchers have recently found that eating certain foods like non-starchy vegetables before carbs may result in lower, healthier blood sugar, compared to having carbs first.” But if it seems strange to have vegetables in the morning, these creative and delicious options can help make it an easier part of your daily routine. 

Start with Savory Oats

Swap out sweet toppings for savory ingredients to transform your morning oatmeal into a veggie-packed powerhouse. Stir in sautéed spinach, mushrooms, and cherry tomatoes, then top with a sprinkle of cheese and a fried egg for a hearty and satisfying breakfast that's bursting with flavor and nutrition.

Blend Up a Green Smoothie

Smoothies are a convenient way to pack-in a variety of fruits and vegetables, making them an ideal option for busy mornings. Incorporate leafy greens like spinach or kale, along with cucumber, avocado, and your favorite fruits for a refreshing and nutrient-dense breakfast on the go. Experiment with different flavor combinations to find your perfect green smoothie recipe.

Get Creative with Breakfast Wraps

Wrap up your favorite breakfast ingredients in a whole-grain tortilla for a portable and veggie-filled meal. Fill your wrap with scrambled eggs, diced peppers, onions, and avocado, then add a dollop of salsa or Greek yogurt for an extra boost of flavor. You can also add cooked sweet potato or butternut squash for a touch of sweetness and added nutrition.

Whip Up Veggie-Filled Egg Muffins

Egg muffins are a versatile and customizable breakfast option that can be prepared in advance for quick and easy mornings. Mix beaten eggs with diced vegetables such as bell peppers, broccoli, and zucchini, then pour the mixture into muffin tins and bake until set. Store leftovers in the fridge or freezer for a convenient grab-and-go breakfast option during the week.

Add Vegetables to Your Breakfast Bowl

Upgrade your breakfast bowl by adding a variety of colorful vegetables to the mix. Top your yogurt or cottage cheese with sliced bananas, berries, and a sprinkle of nuts or seeds for added crunch and flavor. You can also incorporate grated carrot, shredded zucchini, or diced cucumber for extra texture and nutrition.

Don't Forget About Leftovers

Repurpose leftover vegetables from dinner to create a quick and easy breakfast the next morning. Add cooked vegetables like roasted sweet potatoes, steamed broccoli, or sautéed greens to scrambled eggs or a breakfast hash for a simple yet satisfying morning meal. Leftovers can also be added to breakfast sandwiches, wraps, or frittatas for added flavor and nutrition.

With options like these, incorporating more vegetables into your breakfast menu has never been easier. From savory oats to pre-made egg muffins, there are endless possibilities for starting your day with a dose of veggies.

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Jen V