Is Numerology Real: How Your Life Path Number Can Support Wellness

Is Numerology Real: How Your Life Path Number Can Support Wellness

By Suzanne Kvilhaug

Several years ago I started to become more and more drawn to numbers. Numbers on the clock, numbers on receipts, numbers on license plates- everywhere I went numbers caught my attention. So much so that I enrolled in a college course taught by a well-known Numerologist solely for my own knowledge. 

Today the most frequently practiced numerology is based on the teachings of the ancient Greek philosopher, Pythagoras. Numerology is defined as the study of the energy and vibration of numbers. Numbers 1-9 have a specific and unique frequency and numerology explains the meaning behind them. Once you begin to learn what your numbers say about you, it’s hard to deny that the ancient wisdom of numerology is real. 

One of the most important aspects of numerology is the life path number, which is calculated from your birth date. This number indicates your primary mission in life as well as understanding your life's purposes, authentic self, talents and obstacles you'll face. Your life path number can also give you a glimpse into your overall emotional and physical health. I asked Felicia Bender, an expert Numerologist to give insight on common health issues people experience and wellness habits you’ll benefit from most according to your life path number.  

How To Calculate Your Life Path Number 

To calculate the Life Path number, you simply add the MONTH + DAY + YEAR

You’ll always reduce to a one-digit number.

So let’s take the birth date of June 18th, 1990 as an example.

June = 6 (because it is the 6th month of the year)

18 = 1 + 8 = 9

1990 = 1 + 9 + 9 + 0 = 19 

19 = 1 + 9 = 10

10 = 1 + 0 = 1

Now add them together:

6 + 9 + 1 = 16

Keep adding!

1 + 6 = 7

So in this example, you would have a 7 Life Path

 Core Emotional Issues, Where You Feel It In Your Body And The Best Wellness Habits
According To Your Life Path Number


1 Life Path

Overview: You’re all about being #1. You’re independent and a born leader. 

Core emotional issues: Struggling with self confidence. Stress. You can become cynical and overbearing. 

Where you may feel it: Shoulders, knees, insomnia, addictions, blood pressure, heart, liver.

What you can do about it: Be aware of addictive tendencies. The 1 Life Path is a thinker, so it’s hard to turn your brain off. Therefore alcohol or other addictive substances can feel especially soothing to you. 

Wellness habits you’ll benefit most from: Relaxation! Get into a routine with yoga/meditation, massage. You’d also benefit from added cardio exercise.


2 Life Path

Overview: You’re all about balance and harmony. You’re emotionally sensitive. You live to give and receive love. 

Core emotional issues: Feeling everything deeply. You take things to heart. On the flipside, you can become overly aggressive and self-centered in your communication.

Where you may feel it: Depression, hypertension, joint pains, headaches, stomach issues, heart problems, overwhelming insecurity.

Wellness habits you’ll benefit most from: You benefit from group therapy or engaging in friendships where you can deeply express your feelings. You thrive in group activities like hiking, classes, and so on. Breathing exercises for relaxation is key. 


3 Life Path

Overview: You’re all about emotional self expression, communication, and creativity. 

Core emotional issues: Under or over-expressing your overflowing emotions. You need to be heard! You can become emotionally damaged.

Where you may feel it: Weight control, throat issues, intestinal tract issues.

Wellness habits you’ll benefit most from: You need consistent exercise for metabolism and stress reduction. Be aware of your intestinal tract. You might consider using a probiotic for good intestinal health. Anything that keys into verbal or written expression is perfect for you. Cultivate healthy outlets for your emotions. Keep a journal! Learn to express yourself in healthy ways. Limit alcohol.


4 Life Path

Overview: You’re all about stability and security. 

Core emotional issues: Rigidity. You can become stubborn and rigid, both physically and emotionally.

Where you may feel it: Joint pain, lower back problems, weight issues, intestinal distress, migraines, depression.

Wellness habits you’ll benefit most from: Yoga and stretching! You need consistent cardiovascular exercise for metabolism and for stress reduction. You benefit from a lighter diet. You thrive in nature.


5 Life Path

Overview: You’re all about freedom, fearlessness, and adventure. 

Core emotional issues: You can become overly emotional and scattered. Or on the flipside, you can become the fearful “anti-adventurer.” You need your space!

Where you may feel it: Adrenal burnout, joint pain (especially knees and TMJ), addictions, emotional issues.

Wellness habits you’ll benefit most from: Any light routine that keeps you focused and healthy is great for you. That includes regular exercise, meals, hydration (drink plenty of water – you can get dehydrated easily). Be aware of a propensity toward addictions so that you don’t succumb to letting an addiction govern your life. 


6 Life Path

Overview: You’re all about responsibility and nurturing. You’re a visionary; you see the bigger picture. 

Core emotional issues: Self-righteousness and perfectionism. You can become a control-freak.

Where you may feel it: You can experience weight issues – you often feel you carry the “weight of the world” and so that can become your physical reality; or alternately, you can over-focus on creating the “perfect” body. Also breast and/or reproductive health issues, accidents, migraines.

Wellness habits you’ll benefit most from: Practice healthy emotional detachment. Learn your personal boundaries and act on them. Limit sweets and dairy. 


7 Life Path

Overview: You’re all about seeking the truth about the meaning of life. 

Core emotional issues: Fear of being vulnerable. You’re here to develop trust and openness, so this will be a consistent issue for you. You need space and time alone.

Where you may feel it: Depression, addictions, insomnia, headaches.

Wellness habits you’ll benefit most from: You’re highly analytical and also highly intuitive. Meditation is imperative for you. Time in nature soothes your overly-active mind. If you can live near water, or simply interact with water (a bath, a hot tub, a swimming pool, or even a CD with water sounds to help you fall asleep). You do best with “clean” food – at minimal, non-processed food.


8 Life Path

Overview: You’re all about financial abundance, power, and authority. 

Core emotional issues: Aggression. You can become controlling and opinionated. 

Where you may feel it: Blood pressure, heart issues, stress-related illness.

Wellness habits you’ll benefit most from: Laugh more! Dancing, comedy movies, a funny book. Anything that gets you out of your head and into the moment with some lightness and humor is great for you since you often are so hard-driving you don’t take the down-time. If you’re open to therapy, that would be good for you to get a more balanced view of yourself.


9 Life Path

Overview: You’re all about giving to humanity. You experience a lot of loss in your life. Your Core emotional issues: You can become overly responsible and enabling to those around you. You experience a lot of deep family issues.

Where you may feel it: Shoulders and neck, heart issues, autoimmune issues.

Wellness habits you’ll benefit most from: You need yoga for strength and flexibility. You will benefit from consistent massage and/or energy work for stress reduction. You literally feel as though the world rests on your shoulders, so the shoulders and neck need TLC. You would benefit by learning to ask for help and support when you need it. 

While this is only an introduction to numerology, if the tenets of your life path number resonate with you, find your destiny number based on your name next!

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