How to Keep Weight Off After Intermittent Fasting


By: Suzanne Kvilhaug

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Not eating anything at all for a period of time seems like a common-sense strategy for weight loss, doesn’t it? That’s exactly what intermittent fasting is, an eating pattern that cycles between periods of fasting and eating. It’s as easy as that and there are no set rules on how to go about it. Depending on preferences and goals, people approach intermittent fasting in different ways. According to the International Food Information Council’s 2020 Food & Health Survey intermittent fasting is currently the most popular diet. 

Sometimes losing weight isn’t the hardest part, it’s what to do after you’ve lost the weight that is. The excitement starts to wear off and those bad eating habits can sneak back in. When you stop intermittent fasting, the key to staying at a weight that you’re happy with is using a combination of healthy lifestyle strategies. 

Experiment until you find foods that keep you at your ideal weight

Listening to other people’s opinions about how to keep weight off could be the reason you don’t keep weight off. The concept of bio-individuality, that you are the only version of you and what works for you won’t work for everyone else comes in big here. Don’t be sucked into believing that you have to follow a standard diet plan full of foods that don’t do anything for you just to stay a certain size. The unfortunate thing is that you probably won’t find a food program that you truly enjoy that can keep you at your ideal weight. The fortunate thing is that with some trial and error you can create a diet that you do truly enjoy that can keep you at your ideal weight. 

Get The Right mindset

Phrases like “go big or go home” or “it’s all or nothing” have no validity when you’re trying to maintain a healthy weight. Unless you thrive off of extreme conditions and you merely eat to live, these types of mentalities can be the reason you end up gaining weight. If you feel restrictive, you’ll end up feeling unhappy and unhappy people are likely to start emotionally eating. A common-sense mindset with some flexibility and a lot of awareness can go a long way.

Add plant-based protein to your plate


Meat may be a source of protein but it can also be problematic over time and one of those problems can be that it can lead to weight gain. After being vegan for a long time now, I’ve lost count of how many times people have told me they have to eat meat because of the protein. It’s an outdated myth that you can’t get protein elsewhere and it’s a myth that has the potential to be put to rest with all of the plant-based proteins available now. Tempeh, seitan, plant-based burgers, black beans, tofu, and cauliflower are some of the most popular options that offer a lot of versatility when it comes to recipes. 

Find new healthy favorites at restaurants

If you prefer to eat at restaurants a lot, it’s crucial to pick ones that offer really healthy choices. The majority of food offered at restaurants is high in calories and if you’re going out to eat often, it’s not hard to figure out what could end up happening. Think of it as an exciting change to be able to discover new favorites that both satisfy your taste buds and keep you slim. 

Incorporate juices and/or smoothies


The best thing about juices and smoothies is that you can add a whole lot of ingredients that are super nutritious. People can be put off by the idea that these types of drinks are too sugary, but relying on natural fruit sugars or adding sweetness with honey or maple syrup can keep them healthier. What’s most important is consuming a diet high in whole foods. Blending whole foods together for a light meal or snack can be exactly what your diet is lacking. 

Learn how to bake your own snacks

Time to dust off the apron. Having snacks that you can bake at home can keep you away from things like cookies, chips, cakes, pastries, and other packaged treats. Healthy cakes? They got ‘em. Flourless cookies that genuinely taste good? They got those too. You can even make your own snack bars. With a little research, you’ll be able to turn any unhealthy snack into a homemade healthy go-to. 

Use the scale to your advantage

Everyone has a different opinion about using a scale. Some experts say ditch it altogether, some experts say step on it all the time and some say to only weigh yourself occasionally. There are many different factors like muscle weighing more than fat and water weight etc., but having an idea of where you are can keep you mindful and aware of where you are at. Being obsessive about a number on a scale isn’t good for your mental health but if you aren’t checking it at all, you could miss a large weight gain that could have been prevented. Finding how often to use the scale is a personal thing and it’s best to find what works for you. Try not to be fixated on a certain number and remember that this is a way to measure your overall health, not your self-worth. 

Create exercise goals and don’t Let Them fade over time


When I was trying to become a runner, an elite runner told me that consistency is everything and that advice alone created a lifelong habit. People have a habit of not making exercise a habit and that can be a reason for weight gain after weight loss. Instead of losing enthusiasm once the newness wears off, remind yourself of all of the health benefits that you’ll get if you don’t quit. Whether it’s going to the gym, running, walking, yoga or anything movement based - create a concrete plan and stick to it. More movement = less weight gain. 

Don’t constantly worry about gaining the weight back

Losing weight can make you feel great but worrying about gaining weight back can make you feel miserable. Have you ever noticed how you tend to lose weight or stay at your perfect weight when you don’t focus on it that much? Or how when your whole life revolves around losing weight the scale doesn’t seem to budge? There’s a delicate balance between being conscious about your weight and being obsessive. Continue to find the right balance that keeps you happy, sane and at your ideal weight. And instead of putting your energy on being stressed about what could possibly go wrong, be in a space of fully appreciating where you are now. 

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