The Best Warby Parker Glasses For Your Face Shape -Find The Right Frames For You! is reader–supported.  If you click on a link or buy something via a link on this page, we may earn a commission.

Written By: Taylor Rao

Getting a new pair of eyeglasses may feel like an errand to cross off your to-do list, but it can also be exciting. Sure, glasses serve a practical function but they’re also fashion. Your frames say a lot about who you are and tell the story of your personal style.

If you wear glasses every day, you’re asking a lot from your go-to pair. They need to look good, be comfortable, and they need to work with a variety of different outfits and occasions. So naturally, you feel like it’s really important that you choose the right pair.

How to Try On Warby Parker Frames at Home


The home try-on option from Warby Parker makes trying and buying a new pair of glasses a lot easier. If you’re wondering, how Warby Parker works - it’s pretty simple. You can browse their collection, choose 5 pairs to try at home, and then take up to 5 days to make up your mind.

Not only can you skip the trip to the store, but you can also see how they look with different outfits, in different lighting or show them off to your friends, rather than turning to the stranger next to you at the optometrist and saying, “Do these look OK?” (Not that there’s anything wrong with that, either!). Warby Parker also has really affordable options with a ton of frames priced under $100.

But with dozens of pairs to choose from at Warby Parker how can you narrow that down to 5 that will all be contenders? Their frames are all stylish, but if you want to fill your trial box with options that will make you say “I love all of these!” then a solid strategy is to choose frames that compliment your face shape.

Choosing Glasses For Your Face Shape

There are six common face types --round, square, diamond, heart-shaped, oval/long, and rectangle. If you’re not sure what your face type is, try this 4-question quiz.

Finding frames that compliment your face shape often means choosing a pair that adds lines and angles that are different from your natural shape. For example, a round face is well-suited for angular frames, with more defined edges, that can play off your faces’ natural curves. Similarly, oval or round frames are great for someone with bolder features like a strong jawline or high cheekbones.

So before you click the “add to cart” button, make sure you’ll love the frames that arrive at your doorstep by finding the best Warby Parker glasses to fit and flatter your individual face type.

Glasses For a Round face shape


Believe it or not, rectangular frames work really well with a round face shape. Round faces and round frames will have similarly shaped features (yeah, you guessed it --round) and that may prove to be a little bit too much of one thing.

Proportionately, your cheeks and forehead are about the same width, and your face has soft features, like a rounded chin, so square or rectangle frames help lengthen your face, while also making it look narrower. You can also pull off frames with an upward angle that highlights your cheekbones.

The sharper angles in the “Hughes” frames feel exciting and bold (especially in the Fig Tortise or Chestnut Crystal color) as do the “Beale” style frames whose thickness makes them a true statement piece. But, if you’re worried that these strong lines are a little too angular, then use another spot in your try-on box for the Warby Parker staff pick, the “Hallie,” which has slightly more rounded bottom edges.

Square face shape

Warby Parker “Duncan”

Square face shapes are classically beautiful with strong jawlines, angular features, and equal widths of the forehead, cheekbones, and jaw. Just like people with round faces, your look will benefit from capitalizing on opposites when it comes to your eyewear. Thin, round, or oval frames that are slightly wider than your cheekbones can flatter your face and help create visual balance. These frames will soften angles while still complimenting your defined cheekbones or jawline.

Make a fashion statement with the functional style of “Duncan” frames that are perfectly round with a sophisticated vibe. If you want to draw even more attention to your cheekbones and add a touch of added femininity, try a round pair that features a cat-eye like “Lindley,” which mixes materials and colors for a chic, upscale look that works well with a square face shape. For a less dramatic upward sweep, the “Georgia” frame has more rounded corners and they come in rose gold for a trendy twist.

 Diamond face shape

You might feel like only one in a million people have a diamond face shape, and while it seems a little out of the ordinary, some say this is one of the most desired face shapes for a female. Diamond shape faces feature a narrow forehead and jawline, similar in width, with high, pointed cheeks bones, and chin.

In this case, you have options. An oval frame shape will soften the more angular lines of your face, while a rectangular shape can add contrast, and cat eye-frames can help create balance. Fortunately, you can try one of each in your at-home try-on box. Take a look at something like the “Garland” maybe. These have a beautifully rounded, cat-eye shape with gold accents. For something bolder --see how you look in the “Silvan,” a pair of frames that are sure to make sure your outfits pop day in and day out. If you want a more traditional style, check out something like the “Wilder” frame.

 Heart-shaped face

Warby Parker “Millie”

A heart-shaped face will be best flattered by frames that help draw attention away from the forehead and help add balance. Oval glasses are a good option because they won’t overemphasize round cheekbones and cat-eye shapes are also a solid choice. If you do prefer sharper angles, the “Ira” is a great combo of a soft oval shape with cat-eye accents at the top of the frame (PS: the Berry color is b-e-a-utiful).

If you’re looking for a wider oval, try “Clemons,” with a rounded top and a brow-slimming effect. They’re feminine yet professional, and will easily match with different clothing styles and they’ll look as good with office wear as they will with a going-out look. For a classic look, pop a pair of Hammet’s in your try-on box.

Oval/long face shape

Warby Parker “Fletcher”

Oval face shapes are one of the most common, but a quick Google search will tell you that many consider it ideal. An oval face is slightly longer than it is wide, for that reason, you can pull off a lot of great eyewear styles because you have a versatile, proportionately shaped face. You can also choose a wider set frame with decorative temple accents, to add width to your face.

The “Fletcher” glasses by Warby Parker are a safe bet if you’re looking for something bold, and square-ish to add extra angles while matching any outfit or mood. What’s to love? Clean lines, an ultra-modern look, and a matte black finish on the frames. Yes.

If you like a little more of a pronounced bridge or a little more color, try another oversized shape like “Kimball” or “Francis.”

Rectangle face shape

Warby Parker “Bensen”

A rectangle face shape is longer than it is wide and often features a strong jawline. Like with square face shapes, it’s useful to find a pair of glasses the adds contrasting curves with round or oval frames that can help soften angles. Minimalist style glasses that are light-colored or rimless are one way to accomplish this, like “Bensen” in Crystal --which create a light, airy appearance on your face.

The “Whalen” glasses certainly offer a little bit of color, the thickness of the frame and its interesting shape make them worth trying out to see how they flatter your face shape and skin tone. If you’re in the mood for a little cat-eye drama, try on staff-pick “Delphine” in a lighter color like Sea Glass Grey or the multi-color Tanzenite Tortise.

Think you know how to pack the perfect at-home try on box yet? Get your five frames now --it’ll be the best thing you’ll see all week. And don’t worry --if you still need a few more pairs until you find your perfect set of frames, you can send your first five back and do it all over again! Happy hunting!

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