Homemade Pickled Radishes

By Barb Biagioli

Are you planting radishes in your garden this year? We are! And they are always our first veggie to sprout. We end up with an abundance of radishes – we roast them, add them to salads, use them as a dipping tool. But when we end up with just a touch too much, we pickle them! Perfectly sweet and tart, these pickled radishes are super easy to make and make a great addition to salads, burrito bowls, or your favorite sandwich.  

Homemade Pickled Radishes Recipe

Prep Time: 10 minutes | Soak Time: 4 hours | Total Time: 4 hours | Servings: 2-4


  •  4 cups radishes

  • 1 cup apple cider vinegar

  • 1 cup water

  • 2 tbsp maple syrup

  • 1 tbsp sea salt


 1.     Thinly slice the radishes and place them into mason jars. Place your radishes in the jars until they are ¾ height full. Set aside.

 2.     In a small saucepan, combine the apple cider vinegar, water, salt and maple syrup. Simmer and whisk for a few minutes and remove from heat.

 3.     Pour the brine over the radish jars, making sure that they are fully submerged. Seal and shake to combine. Refrigerate for 4 hours or longer. They longer they marinate, the better the flavor. 

4.     Serve over salads, taco salad, atop avocado toast, or layered on your favorite sandwich with spring sprouts!

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Barb Biagioli