5 Ways to Take a Secret Break From Being a Mom

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Written By: Brianna Snyder

From all of us here at Pure Healthy Living, we implore you: Take. A. Break.

Only moms know the true depths of exhaustion. Only moms know what it is to sacrifice every second of privacy and respite for their kids. And only moms know how crucial it is to give yourself the space you need to keep your sanity.

Of course, what we know and what we’re able to do are two very different things. So we’ve put together a list of sneaky-break ideas or the mom who’s got a lot on her plate. (So: all moms.)

Take a nap with your kid

If they’re 6 months or 6 years, convince that kid it’s time to sleep and crash with them for a nice hour-long nap. Punt your guilt out the window.  

Do a guided meditation

Give the kid the tablet or the LeapFrog and download Headspace (or another meditation app, like Calm) and take 10 minutes to clear your mind and center yourself. If you’re new to meditation, it can feel a little dopey at first, but the effects are proven to be beneficial to your heart and mind. So lean into it. The kid will be fine with KidTube for a few minutes.  

Don’t clean

If you’re partnered, leave the cleaning for your partner. ALL OF IT. If you’re not partnered, leave it for your future self. Just give yourself a break from cleaning for just this minute. You are not obligated to mother and to housekeep--no matter what you’ve learned to the contrary. Mothering is hard work and you’re not obligated to scrub pots and pans on top of it.


Do a tiny amount of exercise

If you do find yourself with a second of peace, it can be tempting to jump into the latest show you’ve been watching. Losing yourself to the binge is beyond tempting. But studies show it’s actually so much better for your health--and it actually relaxes you better--if you skip the bingeing. Instead, do just a little bit of exercise. Even if you’ve been running around all day--take one more jog around the block. Do it for you. It feels so good to treat your body well, and your body loves to be exercised.

Throw something away

I’m willing to bet there’s something in your house that you hate. It’s a shirt, it’s an old can of garbanzo beans, it’s a tchotchke your sister-in-law gave you that you feel like you have to display on your fireplace. Whatever it is, seek it out and throw it away. It might not be a full break, but the emotional space it clears for you is almost as good as kicking off your shoes and melting into the couch.