When Do Wrinkles Start to Appear? Why We Get Wrinkles and How to Handle Them

By: Suzanne Kvilhaug

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You can try every anti-aging product under the sun, eat perfectly healthy, and be dedicated to living an eco-conscious lifestyle yet still find wrinkles continuously appearing. As early as our 20’s, many of us face this reality. There’s no way around the fact that wrinkles are a part of the aging process.

Over time everything shows signs of wear and our skin is no exception. And what’s important (and pretty frustrating!) to know is that wrinkles do not just appear because of unhealthy choices or lack of skincare. Some do, but not all. That’s because there are different causes and various kinds of wrinkles. Simply making a specific expression over time or sleeping a certain way can be the reason behind the formation of wrinkles. 

Although some of our skin’s fate is completely out of our hands, we do have the ability to make certain choices that can diminish, lessen, and/or slow down the appearance of wrinkles. For some insightful tips and expert advice on how to better take care of our skin as we age, I turned to Carol Dobson-Zubrin. Carol is an organic esthetician, natural health, and skincare expert, and owner of Purity Organic Spa in Los Angeles. Revered as one of the top organic facialists in Los Angeles, Carol has helped clear the complexions of many familiar Hollywood faces during her 19-year career and is passionate about helping all of her clients, from teens to adults, gain confidence and age as gracefully as possible.

Her success in working with all different types of skin is rooted in her expertise in natural skincare, ingredients, and specialized treatments, including Lymphatic Drainage Facial Massage and Chinese Pressure Point Therapy. Carol was the Featured Natural Beauty Expert on The STYLE Network's hit TV show, What I Hate About Me and she has graced the pages of many beauty and wellness publications for her expertise on teen acne and for her holistic approach to results-driven, natural beauty from the inside out. Beyond her facials, you will see that Carol's expertise and advice on nutrition, supplements, and ingredients in skincare and makeup is what puts her on the list as one of the top organic Facialists in Los Angeles.

The first signs of aging are observed in the eyes and because of that a lot of people use eye cream. What are your thoughts on eye cream? What are your best tips to reduce the signs of aging around the eyes? 

Well, I love telling my clients who have good oil production on their nose, such as blackheads or having an oily t-zone, that they are actually one of the lucky ones. That oil that you love to hate is going to help keep your under eye area more wrinkle-free than others who don’t have that. That said, I love eye cream! Some people can get away without it, using a good heavier moisturizer or a hydrating facial oil, but some need the extra moisture kick! You will know if the brand you try works pretty quickly. If you get comedones, those hard white bumps under your skin, that means that the eye cream is too heavy for you. One of the organic facials I do in my spa is the Photo Collagen Renewal Facial that uses plant collagen to help infuse collage and vitamins and minerals into the skin and helps reduce eye wrinkles. It is my clients’ favorite for sure! 

Can regular facials help reduce the appearance of wrinkles? 

Absolutely! I specialize in Facial Lymphatic Drainage which helps keep you looking young. The lymph is that clear liquid under your skin that you see come out a bit when you have a bug bite. It’s there to protect your body from bacteria, colds, flu, chemicals, pollution..but often it’s sluggish and needs to be assisted to move towards the lymph nodes so that you can get rid of all of the old lymph and allow the new fresh lymph in to do its job! Often it helps reduce the appearance of puffiness and big bags under the eyes which causes your skin to sag and wrinkle. My client’s face always looks more contoured and smooth after. It also improves the circulation in your skin which helps under eye circles and helps keep colds and flu away since you are allowing new fresh lymph in to work its magic and protect you! 

What would you consider to be anti-aging essentials? 

I am a huge fan of facial oils, serums, and night creams. I also swear by liquid dietary silica to increase collagen production in your body naturally! Installing water filter shower heads to keep the chlorine away from your skin and hair as much as possible is also a must so it doesn’t strip your body of its natural anti-aging lipid barrier, causing premature aging. 

Do you feel that organic and natural products can work well to combat signs of aging? 

Organic, natural products are essential for keeping you healthy. When you add on all of the chemicals from the environment, the chemicals in our food and water, and what we put on our skin, the effects on your body can be detrimental. I think that if you find the right products from healthy organic companies for your skin and skin type, it is a win-win. 

What are your favorite skincare products? 


I am a big believer that less is more when it comes to skincare products. Skin, especially sensitive skin, does not like many layers of too many products. I rarely like an entire skincare line and often pick one or two things from a line. I also don’t love all organic lines and I am very picky. Sometimes they pile on too many essential oils and they make people break out. My current obsessions are:

Are there any supplements that you recommend to help people achieve a better complexion? 

Where do I start?! I am a big believer that good skin starts from the inside out. I often recommend purified wild Alaskan fish oil or flaxseed oil is taken daily to help moisturize your skin if you tend to be dry or dehydrated and flaky or are concerned about aging. I love dietary liquid silica to help your body create more collagen on its own, combat aging, and help with hair growth. Zinc for breakouts because people are often low in zinc if they have acne. Also, probiotics daily for everyone to help your gut support your immune system to tackle acne and other skin issues. I could go on and on but those are the ones that I recommend the most! 

What do you feel causes the most damage to our skin that people should be aware of? 


I am not a big believer in chemical peels and microdermabrasion. I don’t think you need to traumatize your skin in order for it to look great. Reducing dairy in your diet, using gentle exfoliation and organic skincare, and drinking at least half your body weight in ounces of water daily help so much. Also doing lymphatic drainage, reducing inflammatory foods, and taking the right supplements will go a long way in keeping your skin healthy. I am 52 years old and have never had plastic surgery, or any fillers and never get med spa treatments. Unfortunately in beauty school, I regret having to try microdermabrasion and peels since it caused broken capillaries and did nothing to improve my skin and only caused it to react. I have seen women come to see me with super-thin paper skin from too many of these treatments or the opposite, thick skin with scar tissue from all of the damage. I have sensitive fair skin and skin like mine should never do these treatments! It is way too harsh.

How much importance do you feel diet plays when it comes to how our skin looks? 


When I have a teen or adult acne client that comes to see me and has acne, I often have them stop all dairy and soft drinks and improve their water content to flush the system. Dairy is often the cause of acne. Many people are allergic or it isn’t digested well in the stomach and it shows on their faces. Also, be very careful with online detoxes and see a nutritionist or dietician before starting one so that you know that it is legitimate and safe. I have seen clients who used to have a few blemishes and decided to do a detox online only to get massive acne and health issues that don’t go away, all from using herbs they are not educated in and that happen to be dangerous to consume. 

Are there any "beauty foods" that you recommend people add to their diet? 

Wild-caught fish at least once a week for the oil properties and hydrating the skin. And organic Rooibos tea because it has a high level of quercetin which is a supreme anti-aging flavonoid.  I also believe in having a salad with extra virgin olive oil and vinegar with avocado daily for good fats and vitamins, and organic berries for antioxidants. 

What has been the most important beauty lesson that you've learned throughout your career? 

To keep up with a skincare routine that’s working and not let it wane because you ran out of product or keep forgetting to wash your face. Also, limit the many products you are using. No one needs layers of different serums. Don’t blindly buy hundreds of dollars worth of skincare hoping it’s the right fit. Get the right advice from a facialist or expert and save yourself a lot of time and money! 

Can people work with you who don’t live in the LA area?

I developed my video facial for clients who are too far away to see me in person or can’t afford a facial but need advice! It is much less expensive and they get the information that they need. I guide them in skincare choices, what makeup they need to avoid or change, what supplements might help them, and how to do lymph drainage on themselves all while doing a zoom call or through Facetime. 

To learn more about Carol check out her website PurityOrganicSpa.com.