What’s Your Skin Care Routine? A Simple 4-Step Daily Regimen

By: Suzanne Kvilhaug

It can take years of trial and error to develop your perfect personal skincare routine. Because everyone’s skin is totally different, the products and processes that work for your mom or your bestie may not work as well for you. The good news is that there are tons of great skincare products and beauty trends to experiment with. The bad news is that there are tons of great skincare products and beauty trends to experiment with.

It can be fun to play with a variety of products, but you may also find that navigating what to buy, what to use, and what to skip can be a little daunting. As you start to look at the sea of skincare products, you may find yourself asking questions like, do I need a face roller? (it’s not essential, but it can be useful and help relieve stress). What exactly does a toner do? (it cleans up the deep-down dirt cleansing misses). Can I seriously do a chemical peel at home? (yes, but be careful because if left on too long, they can cause serious irritation).

It’s all worth trying at some point as a part of your adventures in self-care. But if you start stocking up on all the options, things can get complicated and counterproductive. An overly long skincare routine can become too time-consuming and expensive to maintain, but it may also damage your skin and disrupt your PH balance

The right products and a healthy daily skincare routine are the make or break(out) factors in keeping your skin clear and moisturized. Sometimes when it comes to taking care of your skin the best solution is to simplify. Think- fewer steps, fewer ingredients, more transparency, and likely, better results. If you’re looking for a simple yet effective skincare regimen, check out this less is more approach to getting a clean, hydrated, and glowing complexion. 

1.  Cleanse your face

The first (and most obvious) step of any skincare routine is simply washing your face. Generally speaking, you should wash your face in the morning and at night before bed. But if you’re going to skip one, it’s better to miss the morning cleanse. A nighttime wash is important for removing all of the oil, dirt and other particulates you’ve picked up throughout the day.

The cleanser you use makes a difference too. Specially formulated facial cleansers will remove dirt, oil, and makeup without drying your face, stripping it of natural oils or compromising the integrity of your skin. The specific cleanser you should choose depends on your preferences and skin condition. If you have dry skin you’ll need something gentle and hydrating but if your skin is on the oily side, look for a face wash with salicylic or glycolic acid. No matter what kind of skin you have, avoid any face washes with parabens, phthalates, and fragrances.

2. Use a serum

Next, use serum, the secret weapon to getting amazing skin. Serum works differently than moisturizer (which we’ll cover in a sec) but it should be the first thing to touch your face after you wash it. Moisturizer will create a protective barrier that can reduce the effectiveness of a serum if it’s not applied first. Massage the serum into your face and let it absorb for a minute. Serums are typically lighter and thinner than moisturizers and contain a combination of highly concentrated active ingredients that can make a major difference in your skin quality. They come in a variety of different formulas to address different needs like-anti-aging, acne-prevention, and brightening and repairing skin damage. Serums can also be layered together to address multiple issues, but it’s best to stop at three. Everyone’s “best” serum, or mix of serums, is different so it’s best to try new ones until you find one that works for you. They can be a little pricier than other components of a skincare routine, but they are so rich and powerful that a little goes a long way.

3. Put on a moisturizer 

After you’ve used a serum, add a moisturizer to the mix. Yes, serums can be moisturizing, but moisturizer doesn’t just hydrate, it locks in moisture and it can help to prevent future loss. Moisturizer also fortifies the protective layer of your skin to help shield you from the environment. By applying moisturizer regularly you’ll keep that out layer strong and hydrated so that it can do its job protecting you. Plus, it helps to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles

4. Apply sunscreen

After you moisturize, but before you put on makeup, apply some sunscreen. Many dermatologists would say that sunscreen is the most critical step in any skincare routine, so if you’re in a rush and you skip everything else on the list, don’t skip this. Sunscreen is essential because it shields you from skin-damaging UV rays to help stave off early signs of aging and protect against skin cancer,

In order to get those benefits though, you’ll need a sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher. This step is important all year, because even though the UV rays are more intense during summer, your skin needs protection during every season. You can find serums, moisturizers, and even foundations that incorporate SPF, but a lack of SPF doesn’t have to be a deal breaker if you find a serum or moisturizer you love, because you can also find sunscreens that are chemically formulated specifically for faces. Just make sure you choose one that says “broad spectrum” to guard against both UVA and UVB rays.

While you’re on the quest to get your best skin, be mindful that eating healthy and managing stress play a major role in the look and feel of your skin. But by sticking to a simple daily skincare routine, and adopting healthy lifestyle choices, you’ll see that a skincare routine doesn’t have to be complicated to be successful.