Develop These 12 Lifestyle Habits to Improve Your Health


By: Suzanne Kvilhaug

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Running was the last thing that I thought would ever be part of my daily routine. I don’t know how you could scientifically prove if you’re a born runner or not but if you could, I’d prove I wasn’t. Conditioning practices were my Achilles heel when I played sports and I considered people jogging down the street an entirely separate species. How someone ever pieced together more than a mile under 10 minutes boggled my mind. I was sure that “those people” could somehow prove scientifically they were born to run. We non-runners are not lazy, we’re simply missing the chip. 

But then my sports days were long over and I found myself bored in the gym. Classes got old, walking on the treadmill became redundant and I wanted a change. With losing weight and getting into better shape being my two goals, the only thing I could think of to accomplish them was to run. Just learn how to run somehow. So that’s what I did. My expectations weren’t high but my desire was. I knew the results would be worth it if I could ever string together several miles. After a whole lot of consistency and too many struggles to remember now, I somehow ran 3 miles without stopping one day. I somehow knew that I cracked the code on how to run. Not only did I crack the code but I developed a lifelong habit. The last habit that I ever thought I’d have. It’s been over 10 years since that happened and I’m out there almost daily running. It’s one of the best things I ever did for myself and my health. I learned that you can make anything a habit as long as the will and focus are there. The thing about healthy habits is that they’re necessary in order to be healthy, there’s no way around it. Here are 15 different habits that will help you feel, think and live better. 


1. Eat more real food until you crave only real food

Almost every food or weight issue that people have can be traced back to not eating enough whole foods. What exactly are whole foods? Think real. Foods that have one ingredient. Food that has been grown, food that hasn’t been processed, and food that contains vitamins and nutrients. Once you make it a point to incorporate more whole foods, you’ll start to lose cravings for processed foods. Add herbs into your meals and take certain ones in supplement form. Things like herbs and spices have powerful health benefits that are hard to ignore. Ginger and turmeric have become increasingly popular and there are tons more that are under the radar that can help your well-being significantly. Make it a point to introduce them slowly and see which ones make an impact on you. If there’s one habit that would be the most important one to develop, it’s eating a diet that’s heavily based on real food. Consider setting a percentage of how much of your food will be whole foods and continually increase that percentage as it becomes enjoyable.


2. Lay off dairy

Dairy products can be the cause of weight gain, acne, digestion problems, and more. In a world that’s constantly coming out with innovative food products, ditching dairy is not nearly as difficult as it used to be. I haven’t had dairy in over 10 years and I don’t even know how I could miss it with all the plant-based options available. Looking to go dairy-free but don’t know what products to start with? Consider buying products from great dairy-free brands like Forager, Oatly, and Violife


3. Purify the air


It can be easy to forget that the air you breathe in every day may not be that clean. So that means it’s up to you to be dedicated to cleaning it up! Make it a priority to get fresh clean air in your living space. There are many different types of air purifiers, you can work within your HVAC system or get a high-tech stand-alone air purifier. You can also make small changes that are all decorative with one of these 10 plants for cleaning indoor air.

4. Floss and brush daily 

Oral health is essential to overall health. Instead of waiting until you’re in the dentist’s chair with 10/10 pain, be proactive when it comes to taking care of your oral health. Brush your teeth often with effective toothpaste and be vigilant about flossing. Want to start using eco-friendly dental products that work? Check out these 21 eco-friendly oral care companies.


5. Take care of your hair 

When you love the way your hair feels and looks, life is just better. Everybody knows that a bad hair day is annoying, especially if it’s often. There are foods to eat for healthier hair and there are products that can really help. I eat pretty healthily yet my hair was not reflecting that. I came to the conclusion that I wasn’t using the right hair care products and after a lot of trial and error, I found the brand Acure. What a stroke of luck that has proven to be! My hair has done a total 180 and is the healthiest, strongest, and looks the best it ever has. Acure is an affordable 100% vegan brand that’s paraben-free, sulfate-free, mineral oil-free, and formaldehyde-free. If you don’t love your hair, don’t chalk it up to that’s how it’s always going to be. Keep trying new foods and products until you get the hair that you want.


6. Test your vitamin levels regularly

Recently a friend of mine wasn’t feeling her best and decided to get her vitamin levels tested. Good thing she did! Her vitamin D level was 6. A whopping 6! When I read the text my eyes nearly popped out of my head. Instead of waiting until you don’t feel right, be consistent about getting your vitamin levels checked. Knowing what’s going on can help you eat and live accordingly. Want to do it in the comfort of your own home? Amazon sells easy kits for at-home testing. Affordable and simple, you can easily learn your levels. 


7. Walk more

No matter how busy you are, there’s always a way to walk more. It can be hard to get to the gym and lift weights or set up a time with a personal trainer but you can always walk more. Walking improves fitness, cardiac health, alleviates depression and fatigue, improves mood, can prevent weight gain, reduces the risk for chronic disease, improves endurance, and more. Park far away when you do errands, take the stairs, walk at lunch, walk and talk on the phone, or meet friends for a walk. You can also intensify the exercise quality of your walks with one of these tips. Even though small changes seem minuscule at the time, they add up, and these additions can improve your health drastically over time. 


8. Spend more time in nature

You know you have the right kind of friends when they ask you to hang out and “forest bathe.” Maybe you’re not exactly looking to forest bathe but spending more time in nature can benefit everyone. Being in nature has shown to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. One of the best ways to feel grounded is to be surrounded by nothing but nature. It’s worth the special trip to find a favorite nearby location whether it’s a hiking trail or just a local park where you can sit, relax and connect with nature on a regular basis.


9. Ditch products that contain chemicals and toxins

Have you ever read ingredient labels of items that you use daily like lotion, soap, laundry detergent, and other common household products? Learning the truth of what’s in many mainstream items can be eye-opening and a little frightening. It likely won’t be an overnight thing getting rid of everything but make it a goal to learn about what’s in your products. When you learn about what you’re buying, you’ll be able to make smarter decisions in the future. The good news is, the market is flooded with products in every category so you’ll eventually find something you love that’s super effective. And treehugger type or not, it really does make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside when you use them.


10. work on balancing your hormones 

Blame it on the hormones is right. There are a lot of negative things that we can experience that can make it easy to do this because it’s true. Luckily this isn’t something that “is what it is”, it is something that is based on personal choices. Getting your hormones to work for you, rather than against you, depends on the lifestyle choices that you make. Learning about your hormones and how to have them working optimally can be something that changes your entire life for the better.


11. Get on a good sleep schedule 

Even one night of not sleeping well can throw you off your game. Getting a good night’s sleep is vital for our mind and body to function optimally. If you’re not a good sleeper or your sleeping patterns have been erratic, finding a way to get on a good sleep schedule is critical. Try seeking out a sleep specialist, get a different mattress, try yoga or learn sleep preparation techniques. It’s one of those things where doing whatever it takes to sleep well every night will be worth any of the hassle.


12. Always be working towards one lofty dream

You can do anything but you can’t do everything. Instead of living in a fairytale land of wanting to do many different things but getting stuck doing nothing, take one big thing on and chip away at it. Work on this specific thing until it’s done, no matter how long it takes. Whether you choose a personal or professional goal, it’ll give you purpose and something to look forward to. Instead of regret, you’ll be able to look back someday when it’s done with happiness, pride, and gratitude for staying the course.