Spending New Year’s Eve Alone? How To Have A Happy, Healthy Solo Celebration 

Spending New Year’s Eve Alone? How To Have A Happy, Healthy Solo Celebration

By Suzanne Kvilhaug

Some say the way you spend New Year’s Eve sets the tone for the rest of the year. For many, that means it’s a night to go all out - to buy some bubbly, wear something sparkly and party until sunrise. While that can lead to “the best night ever” it can also set us up for disappointment… and raging hangovers.

What if that’s not you? What if you don’t want to buy into the hype? What if you got so caught up in the holiday rush you forgot to make any plans at all, and now it’s almost the last night of the year and you have nowhere to be?

You can force yourself to follow the established convention of a first night celebration or you can choose a different route, you can spend the night with the best possible company - you. If you do decide to spend New Year’s Eve solo, here are a few healthy ways to set a great tone for the new year happily, all on your own.

Clear Out The Clutter 

Clear Out The Clutter 

The high you get from a clean and organized living space comes with no negative side effects. In fact, cleaning and organizing is shown to improve both your physical and mental health, so not only does everything look better but you’ll feel better too. Decluttering your life is not just practical, but a great metaphor for a new beginning. Getting rid of unnecessary physical junk in your life, can help you clear your head to get rid of some of the emotional baggage you’ve been holding onto as well. Here are some ideas for reorganizing your home and natural cleaning tips and recipes to keep it safe and non-toxic. 

Make a Visualization Board 

Make a Visualization Board 

There’s no better time to make a visualization board of what you want in the upcoming year. Vision boards can help you create, a clear and tangible picture of the things you hope to manifest in your life. Studies even show 1 in 5 successful entrepreneurs use a vision board. Boards can help you identify and focus on the things you want to achieve and can be a valuable tool for goal setting. It can be as fancy or as simple as you want to make it. Find pictures online or in magazines for ideas to visualize your dreams and desires. Not only does it bring clarity, but it’s also a therapeutic, personal, and enjoyable way to spend an evening.  

Sit Back, Relax and Binge Watch 

Sit Back, Relax, and Binge-Watch 

When you have the right movies or TV shows to binge-watch, everything in the world feels right. Make it a night of watching New Year’s Eve themed entertainment, pick some of your favorites or tackle a movie or show you’ve been meaning to see. As for the popcorn, skip the store-bought kind and consider making this creative cheesy vegan popcorn recipe.

Cook Your Dream Recipe 

Cook Your Dream Recipe 

How many times do you see a recipe that you love but you never get around to making it, because you never seem to have enough time? Well, now is a perfect time! Find the ultimate recipe, make a trip to the store, tie on an apron and get cracking in the kitchen. Just because you’re having a quiet night alone doesn’t mean you don’t deserve a fantastic meal and this is a chance to take your time with a delicious dinner, even if it’s just practice for the next time you cook for someone else.

Do a One Day Detox

Do a One Day Detox

Never underestimate what one day of detoxing can do for your mind and body. The idea behind pretty much any detox is to purify the body and flush out toxins. Is there any better time of year to cleanse your mind and body? Take full advantage of the clean-slate a new year offers by kicking it off with a 24-hour cleanse that will have you waking up on January 1st feeling ready for anything.

Book a Solo Trip

Book a Solo Trip

Booking a trip for one and seeing what fate has in store could prove to be the best New Year’s Eve of your life. Think of it as your own mini version of Eat Pray Love. Who knows what’s waiting in the wings of time! If distant travel isn’t in the cards, then just pick a direction and drive. Wherever you find yourself at midnight, stop and toast yourself and whatever comes next, with non-alcoholic champagne of course.

Pamper Yourself

Pamper Yourself

By the time New Year’s Eve rolls around, most people are understandably exhausted. A whole night dedicated to self-care couldn’t be more appropriate. Soak in a luxurious bath, do a home facial, exfoliate, give yourself a mani-pedi, get out the mud masks and welcome the new year relaxed and refreshed.

There can be a lot of pressure around New Year’s Eve to have a wild, exciting, and memorable night that sets the stage for a year full of adventure. But that’s not the only way to lay the groundwork for a great new year. With any one of these solo activities, you’ll be prepared for whatever comes next, because you spent the evening doing the one thing that will have the most impact on your upcoming year - taking the best possible care of yourself.

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