How To Stay Healthy During Summer: 15 Ways to Have Your Healthiest Summer Yet!

How To Stay Healthy During Summer: 15 Ways to Have Your Healthiest Summer Yet!

By: Suzanne Kvilhaug

A few years ago someone told me that they don’t like the summer and actually prefer the winter. You don’t like summer? I figured everyone spent the rest of the year waiting for summer to come. News to me!

The warmer weather, and everything that goes along with it, can make summer either your favorite season or your least favorite. But regardless of how you feel about summer, it comes around every year and brings with it a chance to become healthier. So if the summer sun ignites your inner desire to put a focus on your health, here are some ways you can make this summer your healthiest one yet. 

Choose a non-toxic sunscreen

Choose a non-toxic sunscreen

Did you know that skin cancer is considered an ongoing epidemic? More people are being diagnosed with skin cancer each year than the sum of all other types of cancer. We all know that wearing sunscreen is important, but it shouldn’t be just any sunscreen. There have been safety concerns raised about chemicals in some sunscreens like oxybenzone, octisalate, octocrylene, avobenzone, octinoxatein, and homosalate. These chemicals can accumulate in our bodies and disrupt our hormones and endocrine system. So when you’re going outside, shield yourself from too much sun exposure with non-toxic sunscreen like one of these.

Tan Safely and Take care of your skin

UV rays are dangerous, and you should absolutely wear sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher whenever you go outdoors. But that doesn’t mean you have to deny yourself a golden summer tan. Sunless tanners can be used all year round, but summer is when they really shine. Tanning products have come a long way from the orange, streaky mess they used to be. To make sure your “tan” looks as natural as possible, make sure you choose a product that isn’t too dark. They are often categorized in shades like “fair”, “light” “medium” or “dark” so you can often find one that is close to your natural skin color. But even a faux tan can only make your skin glow so much - the rest is up to you. Check out these tips on how to get healthy skin during the summer

Cut back on screen time

Remember all the great things about summertime before technology existed? If you don’t, ask your parents about it. Because it was glorious and everyone should try to recreate it. Be extra conscious and cut back on the time you spend on your computer and phone. If you feel like that might be difficult for you, a new study suggests that constant phone usage physically affects your brain in the same way as drug addiction. Let that motivate you to use your phone a lot less - cut off the potential for addiction and switch your focus to enjoying all that summer has to offer instead. 

Read More Books 

Make a list of books you want to read, pick one and dive in. It can be easy to procrastinate when it comes to reading but often once we begin, it becomes hard to put the book down. Keep a book on hand for waiting rooms, traveling, laying by the pool and relaxing.  Sure, poolside reading can be a hassle. The pages can get wet, it’s hard to find the right angle, you can’t read with sunglasses, but the sun is blinding without them. If those problems sound familiar, try an Audiobook. Just grab your most comfortable headphones, a smart phone and close your eyes to relax and listen.

Use the Pool More

Sometimes I forget pools aren’t just for show. And maybe you do too. Swimming is a great workout that most people aren’t able to do year-round. An hour of swimming burns almost as many calories as running, without all the impact on your bones and joints. So trade in some of your usual workout routines for a not-so-quick dip instead. If your pool is too small for laps, that’s fine! Try some of these exercises that include kickboard kicks, underwater pikes and something called a “tic toc” (no relation to the platform) that you can do even while watching the kids.

Don't let hot weather stop you from exercising 

Lazy, hazy days of summer can be a reason to exercise less. Taking days off is perfectly healthy but taking too many days off can send you into a rut physically and mentally. If you're someone who doesn’t like the heat, try working out in the morning or evening. If you're on the fence about it, check out the benefits of warm weather workouts.  If high temps are a deal-breaker for outdoor exercise, stream workouts indoors to take advantage of the AC. Or try water-based pool workouts (see above).

Make peace with your body

Working out is great if you like to exercise, or want to be healthier but it shouldn’t be about fixating on perceived imperfections. Unfortunately, wearing less clothing can bring body image issues up to the surface. Instead of being self-conscious or feeling unhappy about your body, be at peace with exactly how you look this summer. If you don't have your ideal body yet (who does?!), don’t let it get in the way of enjoying the warmer weather. Self-confidence and self-love speak volumes and learning to love your body, and be proud of it at any size, can change your entire world for the better.

Be more adventurous

Be more adventurous in summer

If there is a time of the year made for adventure, it's summer. There’s a science behind the idea that it’s better to spend money on experiences instead of things. Plan a hike, go camping, take a road trip, book a hot air balloon ride, surf, ride in a kayak, or just try something spontaneous. There are great reasons to embrace a little adventure, but if you’re spending a lot of time outdoors, make sure to be informed on how to stay safe from Lyme disease.

Use safer ways to repel Mosquitoes 

Speaking of bugs…nothing signals summer like the first time you smack a mosquito and think “here we go again”. Unfortunately, many common insect repellents contain the controversial chemical DEET. Check out these 10 natural ingredients that repel mosquitoes and chemical-free, natural bug repellents.

Take advantage of produce that's in season

Make this the summer you start a year-long tradition of seasonal eating! There are definitely certain foods we associate with summer, for example, melon, corn-on-the-cob, and berries are basically icons. But did you know summer is also a great season for garlic, figs and jalapeno peppers? Summer is the perfect time to start shopping and meal planning around seasonal produce to reap the benefits of eating according to the seasons. Not to mention, farmers markets are booming with amazing produce during the summer. Stock up and experiment with healthy recipes for what you find. To see what's in season, check out this guide

Add fresh fruit, herbs or edible flowers to your water

Add fresh fruit, herbs or edible flowers to your water

If you’re not one of those people who loves drinking plain water you’re probably not getting enough of it. While staying hydrated matters all year, it’s especially important in summer. A new commitment to getting enough H2O will make for a better summer, and better overall habits. Make drinking water a little more interesting by adding fresh healthy ingredients. Check out these ideas for fun flavored water combinations to get started. 

Make your own snacks 

Packaged snacks are easy, convenient and well-marketed to seem fun. But they are often full of unhealthy ingredients that somehow make you hungrier. Skip em. Make it a point to make your own healthy snacks at home so you have them available at all times. If you're traveling, take them with you so you’ll be able to avoid the temptation to grab something at a convenience store. 

Eat healthy desserts 

With extra daylight to enjoy and more hours for outdoor activities to burn off calories, summer is a natural time to treat yourself with dessert. Go for it! You deserve it, just remember - dessert doesn’t have to be unhealthy. Did you know that when you put frozen bananas in a blender they make ice cream? Now you do! If you love ice cream but dairy doesn’t love you, there are several vegan and dairy-free options that taste just as good. Another dairy-free dessert perfect for summer is Oatly’s strawbery frozen dessert. For a fun family project you can also make your own popsicles or try one of these healthy summer desserts.

Cut Sugar From Your Cocktails

Enjoying the outdoors is the perfect time to indulge in a summer cocktail. Too bad a lot of our summertime classics are filled with sugar. We’re looking at you daiquiris. And we see you too margaritas - over there with your big grains of salt. Try healthier variations of classic drinks like pina coladas that use coconut milk or frozes. You can also pair fresh fruit with vodka and seltzer for a light, refreshing beverage with variety.

Shake Up Your Salads


Salads are synonymous with summer - because they’re the prefect compliment to most summer grill staples. They can be a light side or decked out to be the main course. Plus, salads take on numerous forms, lettuce, fruit, potato or pasta - it’s hard to imagine an outdoor table being complete without one. But let’s be honest, the mayo based salads aren’t the healthiest and the same veggie salad all summer gets boring. So go out of your way to mix up your salads. Maybe it means adding fruit to a savory salad or trying recipes for light homemade dressings or experimenting with vegetable pasta and vegan cheese. To really shake things up, try these creative concoctions for a sesame roasted chicken and fig salad or any one of these four refreshing summer salads.

Using these ideas can help you feel good about actively making healthier choices for your body and mind. You may even find yourself creating new healthier habits that last all year long!

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