8 Stretches To Beat Belly Bloat Fast


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Written By: Suzanne Kvilhaug

Not only can bloating be uncomfortable, it can be a major inconvenience. You can’t wear certain clothes, you’re dodging at the sight of any camera, you feel like crap around the clock and you’re sick of unbuttoning your jeans when it’s time to sit down. Yeah guys, almost all women do that in case you didn’t know. Skinny jeans are called skinny jeans for a reason.

Time may heal all bloating episodes but when time is of the essence, here are 8 stretches you can do to hopefully speed up the process and feel some relief. Each stretch helps to stimulate your abdominal organs and ease digestion. So you’ll be on the road to minimizing symptoms, keeping buttons buttoned and embracing the camera.


Spinx pose

The Sphinx pose is a great stretch for beginners that is excellent for stretching the lower back and opening the lungs and chest. But it also helps with bloating by lengthening the abdominal muscles while stimulating your digestive organs, kidneys and nervous system.


The upward facing dog is a rejuvenating stretch that can re-energize your entire body. But it’s useful for beating bloat because it engages abdomen muscles and helps to stimulate abdominal organs to improve digestion.


The cat pose is another excellent stretch for your back, hips and neck that also provides bloat-fighting benefits. This pose massages your abdominal organs, particularly the kidneys and adrenal glands which help support your digestive system.


The bridge pose is useful to provide stimulation for organs in the abdomen and improving digestion. This stretch is also good for the thyroid which releases hormones that are involved in both digestion and metabolism.


The revolved side angle pose is useful in body detoxification by invigorating blood flow through organs in the abdomen especially the liver, kidneys and spleen. It helps to overcome bloating by aiding with elimination and improving digestion. However if you’re experiencing diarrhea, this may be a pose to skip.


This pose may be another one to avoid if your bloating is related to diarrhea, but if you’re looking for a slightly more challenging pose that will help improve regular digestion, the supported shoulder stand may fit the bill. This stretch can help stimulate abdominal organs, along with the thyroid and prostate glands.


The fish pose another abdominal muscle stimulator that is particularly good for relieving constipation and menstrual pain. In addition to stimulating the thyroid, pose stretches the intercostal muscles of the ribs.


The reclining bound angle pose is highly beneficial for anyone dealing with belly bloat. This stretch stimulates abdominal organs and increases blood circulation in the lower abdomen. It is also known as a pose for relieving discomfort related to menstruation and menopause. It can also help soothe intestinal conditions like irritable bowel syndrome (IMBS) and can help improve digestion.


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