Is a Workout Streaming Subscription Worth It? 9 Reasons to Give Them a Try

By: Suzanne Kvilhaug

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For years when I was a kid, at least once a week I used to toss this one Jane Fonda workout tape in the VCR and exercise my little heart out. I definitely didn’t have any fitness goals and looking back I can’t pinpoint what made me feel so passionate about it. But there I was in the living room with my leg warmers on just like the people in the video, jumping around happy as a clam.

In my 20’s my love for fitness classes was at an all-time high. Nothing excited me more than trying a new class out and nothing was off-limits. That eventually faded and I haven’t been to an in-person class in over 6 months. Now that workout streaming subscriptions are the norm, it’s a lot easier channel my inner child and put myself in front of a screen for a workout. If you’ve ever considered trying a workout screaming subscription, here are 9 reasons why they’re worth a try.

You get to Exercise in the privacy of your own home

Unless you’re extroverted (all by myselffff!), going to the gym can feel overwhelming at times. Especially classes. And then there are those days you really want to get a workout in but you’re not in the mood to be around people (It’s not you, it’s me!). We all feel that way sometimes. And it can be especially hard to feel comfortable at the gym when you start comparing yourself to others who may be a little further along on their fitness journey than you are. By working out alone at home, you don’t have to worry about going out, feeling intimidated or having anyone else in your personal space.


They Eliminate Your Excuses

You know those nights when it’s so cold you can’t bear the thought of going outside so you decide to skip the gym? There will be no more of them! Those days when you only have an hour to work out and getting to the gym would eat up half that? Nope, not anymore. When you don’t have to drive anywhere and the workouts are easily accessible, it kills a lot of the excuses that can keep you from getting in a workout. As simple as it sounds, it’s true. When you remove external barriers because all you have to do is walk into a room and press a button, chances are much higher that you’ll get that workout done. 

Say bye-bye to those annoying gym fees

One time I felt like I needed a translator to explain what the sales guy at the gym was trying to explain to me about the fees. I’m sorry- what? When? And why? I can’t be the only one who’s been in that situation before. If he was speaking in layman's terms it would have been something like “we are charging you money to charge you more money and we have no reasoning other than we are charging you money.” I felt like if I signed the contract I might as well sign it as “Sucker”. So I didn’t sign anything and I didn’t join. At a gym you may encounter startup fees, annual fees on top of your monthly membership fee or additional charges for classes and trainers. With a streaming subscription it’s usually a lot simpler and more straightforward. So if you don’t go to the gym, you won’t encounter those pesky and often unexplainable fees. 

You Can Use All the Free Trials

Speaking of money matters, you can also try most workout streaming platforms for free. Of course there are thousands of workout videos available on YouTube so you can find just about anything. Whether you want to try a specific type of exercise or you want to workout to 80’s Madonna, you totally can. It’s also not that difficult to string together a series of videos to create a regular routine. But streaming services offer a quick and easy alternatives to creating your own YouTube playlist. Most fitness streaming subscriptions offer some sort of free trial period that allows you to access all of the content and try all of the features to see if it’s worth paying for. If you don’t love it, no big deal, just cancel before your trial is over.

Get the Benefit of Real Live Interaction

YouTube-based workout regimens have the same problem as my old Jane Fonda VHS - they’re a little one-sided. It’s not quite the same as joining a class or working with a live instructor because there’s no feedback and no interaction. A video can’t help you modify a routine on the fly or answer questions about your form. Many workout streaming programs come with an option to participate in live virtual classes, group training sessions and you can communicate with an instructor or coach. Sure, you can talk to videos all you want, but they’ll never be able to give you help and support - streaming subscriptions can. Working with an instructor, even in a digital environment, can help you make sure you’re doing your routines in a safe and effective way.

open the door to something entirely new

Whatever you’re interested in, there’s a streaming service for that. If you always wanted to try extend barre but would rather not have your first experience in front of a bunch of people, stream it on Openfit! Think you’re ready to start strength training? Give it a go with Caliber. Want to explore all things yoga? Try LiveKick With all of the workout apps to choose from you can find new styles and programs that are fun and productive to keep you actively engaged and looking forward to your next workout.

When it comes to what your wearing, anything goes

Yeah, gym fashion is a thing. Even if you don’t want it to be, it’s right there in your face. The crop tops, the colorful bottoms, and the perfectly matched outfits- everybody’s doing it. Well, not everybody. Even if you don’t care about it, you could be a little apprehensive about wearing your favorite dull-yet-comfy exercise outfit. If you’re like me, you really don’t care what fashion statement you make at the gym and prefer to make none. At home, you can wear it happily because nobody knows so anything goes! 

You’re Less Likely to Get Bored

Because there are so many different types of workouts available with subscriptions, you can dig deep into one style or switch it up to keep things new and exciting. With a platform like LiveKick, you can explore multiple forms of yoga from Effortless Meditation to Fluid Fun Vinyasa. Or if maximum diversity is more your thing, a one week schedule on Openfit could include a range of exercises like yoga, a total body workout, running, and martial arts. With unlimited options and different instructors, you can find workouts you love doing that you’ll continue to do over a long period of time. Plus, when you've got the benefit of interaction with instructors and trainers you can make sure that your variety of exercises complement each other and are a good fit for your comfort level and goals.

The fittest and healthiest version of yourself could be right around the corner

Until you work out at home, you really don’t know how you’ll like it. You may assume that working out virtually won’t work for you but don’t jump to that conclusion until you’ve given it a try. Over time you may find that you prefer using a workout streaming subscription which means you’ll be exercising a lot more than you have in the past. When everything you need to get fit is already right where you are, you may find it easier to get the results you want.

Those pounds that wouldn’t budge? They budged! That dream body you couldn’t get in the gym? Got it! And if you actually, genuinely love working out for a change, your fitness future could look brighter than ever.

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