The Best Wine To Serve At Thanksgiving

Throw away everything you thought you knew about wine pairing! And get a different bottle for each Thanksgiving side. No, no, don’t drink the whole bottle for each dish, but definitely have a few “sips” (hard wink).

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Avocados: Why They're Considered A Superfood & How To Buy Them

Avocados are a fruit, technically a berry, and there are hundreds of different varieties, the most common being the Hass avocado, which are oval-shaped with dark pebbled skin. Superfoods are a hot topic in the food world and avocados are considered one because they contain nearly 20 vitamins and minerals including vitamin K, C, potassium and magnesium.

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Sub In These Healthy Versions Of Your Classic Football Sunday Treats

Before the holidays make your healthy living lifestyle just a little more challenging, football season attempts to do the exact same thing. So, consider hosting your weekly get-together at your house or winning MVP out of all the guests by preparing healthy football Sunday snacks that’ll keep you on track.

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How To Stay Body Positive Throughout Your Fitness Journey

We’ve all been there. You embark on a new fitness adventure, fueled by a long pent up determination to make significant changes in your life. You start off feeling good. And then, you get frustrated. So the obvious solution? Stay. Positive. It takes work, but it’ll be so worth it. Here’s your body positivity plan:

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Ways To Prepare To Vote Last Minute

Wait, there’s an election coming up? There’s a lot at stake for these upcoming elections in each and every state. But where do you find last-minute information on midterm candidates? We’re here to help answer some of the most commonly asked questions about going to the polls on November 6.

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Love Pumpkin Spice? Try These Healthy Alternatives This Fall

The pumpkin spice craze comes in hot during the cool, fall months, and every year it seems to creep back in way earlier than the official start date to autumn, but you have to be careful not to let this limited edition, seasonal flavor pack on too many calories this fall, so check out these these healthy alternatives!

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Five Money Saving Challenges To Try Right Now

As much as it’s rewarding to spend a bit of disposable income on food, leisure or travel, it definitely doesn’t hurt to save here and there and focus on the long-term benefit, so, why not try a saving challenge? We’ve rounded up five different savings challenges that could work for you and your wallet.

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What It’s Like To Have A Miscarriage

Because October is National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month, we wanted to talk to someone who’s lived through the frightening and lonely experience of miscarriage. Pure Healthy Living talked to Jen, who asked that her last name be withheld for privacy reasons, about her miscarriage 10 years ago.

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Turn Your Passion Into Profit: Make Money Without Getting a "Real Job"

For some of us out there, a high paying desk job might pay the bills, but doesn’t meet the criteria for maintaining happiness, so if the career for you doesn’t exist on its own, create it, there are more ways now than ever to ditch the “real job” talk and make money doing something you love.

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6 Things No One Tells You About Trying To Get Pregnant

The actual window for getting pregnant is about six days each month. Which means if you’re trying to do the baby thing, you have to time things just so. No matter where you are in that process, here are a few things you should know about the project of Making A Baby. 

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World Mental Health Day

There are more than 18.1 million people in this country alone fighting anxiety and depression and because today is World Mental Health Day, I wanted to share how anxiety has affected a large portion of my life, and my physical health. We need to stop stigmatizing mental health, and I hope that openly writing about it will inspire just one person to do the same.

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